Hickory Top Tool Handles (Package of 3)


Hickory Top Tool Handles (Package of 3)


Please note that the price includes 3 top tool handles. When you add another unit of this product to your cart the amount of handles you order goes up by 3 each time.

These “matchstick” style handles are made out of a lower quality of hickory, not suitable for hammers. However, they are perfect for top tools, because no matter how good the handles are, top tool handles break often due to the heat and high shock they experience. The handles are 14-16 inches in length with rounded corners, flat sides, and slightly tapered to fit an eye with a constant taper (not hour-glass shaped). There is also no kerf in these handles because typically they are not wedged in the tools. The handles are finished with a 36 grit grinding belt, and will require you to custom fit the handle to your top tool. You don’t need anything special to fit the handle, just a wood rasp/file and some 120 grit sand paper to smooth the handle if you desire. They come un-oiled and un-varnished ready for whatever type of finish you prefer.

These handles are of the same quality, size, and feel as the standard handles I offer on my forged top tools.

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