Power Hammer Forging Class 1-3 Days


Power Hammer Forging Class 1-3 Days


This is a private, 1-on-1 class. Contact me through the contact page of this website to plan dates, and make your $100 deposit by adding this “product” to cart, and purchasing it. The full cost is $500 for the first day, and $400 per day following that. Full payment is made with cash or E-transfer when you arrive.

Spend an intensive set of days learning to forge with a self-contained air hammer and a steam hammer, while most importantly learning fundamental principles about open-die forging, and all the while making a set of tools to take home to use with your power hammer. The amount of learning and projects we get done depends on how many days we spend forging, as well as the focus and ability of the student. To give a general idea of the projects that can be made in this class, here is an example list:

-Tong Making Die Block
-Power Hammer Flatter
-Cutting Tool
-Flat Jaw and Bolt Tongs
Depending on how many days, I will order the tools we do differently so the student gets the best learning value. I supply all of the raw materials. Please read all of the details below, and contact me for questions.

I will walk you through the concepts of forging, and the theory behind all operations.
You will learn about:

-Types of Power Hammers
-Operating Principles of Power Hammers
-Power Hammer Safety
-Drawing Out
-Use of Tooling

The hammers we will use:
-1935 Alldays and Onions 1CWT (120lbs) Electro-Pneumatic Forging Hammer
-1917 Niles-Bement-Pond 600lbs Steam Hammer (Running on Air)
The first two days will be spent using only the Alldays and Onions hammer, and the third day (if you choose to take a 3-day class) will be spent using the steam hammer so long as the competency required has developed in the student over the previous days. The Niles Steam Hammer is an unforgiving powerhouse, so I will take care to assess whether or not the student is ready for it when the time comes.

IMPORTANT! You MUST have prior forging experience, and be of sound mind and body to take this course! You will be in a hot, dangerous, mentally and physically demanding environment. Operating dangerous machinery and forging big lumps of steel is no joke, so don't treat it as such! Bring a note pad, proper cotton work clothes, proper footwear, and PPE (leather gloves, safety glasses, ear protection and a dust mask or respirator).
The class starts at 8:30am every morning, and will probably end at 5:00pm every evening.
You must bring a bag lunch, unless you want to purchase a provided meal.
Accommodations available on-site, contact for more information.
Directions to the shop, and a google map pin are on the contact page of my website.
If you have any questions at all please call my cellphone: 780-385-1408

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