Youtube: Ethan Harty
Here is the most recent blackmithing-related video on the Youtube channel.
Here is the most recent blackmithing-related video on the Youtube channel.
Instagram: @_ethanharty

Making tongs for orders.
#Blacksmith #Blacksmithing #Tools #tongs #Forge #Forging #KnifeMaking #BlacksmithingTools #BlacksmithTools #HandForged

Here’s an interesting order that we got to tackle, a meat cutting knife set. All the fit and finish work was done be @evan.sawtell (who has become known publicly as the “Man Servant”) and it looks great. 200 layers of Damascus in the smaller knives, and 400 layers in the cleaver.
#Blacksmithing #Blacksmith #KnifeMaking #KnifeMaker #Damascus #knife #DamascusSteel #HandForged #Forged #Forge #BladeSmith #BladeSmithing #Blade #BladeMaking #PatternWelded #cleaver #butcherknife

This video is starring @evan.sawtell twisting a big billet of Damascus steel in the old lathe. I had to edit this video a little bit shorter in order to fit it on Instagram, there’s a slightly longer “Short” video on my YouTube channel if you’re interested!
Thanks for stopping by.
#testingsteel #boiler

Here’s the tools that Steven finished in a 3 day tool making class! I had a great time teaching him and I look forward to seeing what he making in the near future! Forge on sir!
#Blacksmith #Blacksmithing #Tools #Blacksmithclass #Forge #Forging #KnifeMaking #BlacksmithingTools #BlacksmithTools #HandForged #blacksmithingclass

For Sale $550:
The saw is in running condition (no mechanical problems) and is set up with a 1 1/2hp motor, which seems to have plenty of power. It can be set up to so very accurate cuts and the build quality is outstanding. It is an antique, but I don’t know exactly what area it is from, maybe the 1940s. It weighs about 400 pounds but it has a very small footprint compared to bandsaw. The automatic shut-off switch is not hooked up, but it wouldn’t be that hard to do. Right now it turns on and off by plugging and unplugging the chord. It cuts almost as fast as a larger shop bandsaw. This will cut at least 5” dia. round. I do have one of the cover plates that goes on the bottom. The reason for selling is that I’m upgrading to a bigger saw.
Located near Lougheed AB.

I like walking that thin line between sarcasm and getting reported to OSHA.
Carry on.
#machinery #heavymachinery #Blacksmith #machinist

Smoke Stack Dum Dum🗿🗿
Even though this is a very pretty cast iron smokestack, it probably won’t work for my project so it is for sale. It is approximately 30 inches long with an inside diameter just proud of 11 inches. If you’re interested, you can send me a message.
#steamlocomotive #steamtractor #smokestack #steamengine

I’m a big fan of curved-spoke hand wheels. I’ll have to gather a batch of these to put on the locomotive when it’s time to start fitting it up.
with this little project completed, the drill press is almost ready to be fully functional. I have yet to wire up the motor and make a flat belt.
#Blacksmith #Blacksmithing #Tools #machining #machinetool #drillpress #handwheel

Consider this the official news that we did indeed buy a steam locomotive!
Here are the details on the locomotive:
-Vulcan Iron Works
-33 Ton 0-4-0 tank engine
-36” drivers
-bore 13”, stroke 18”
-boiler pressure 190 PSI
-standard gauge
I’m looking forward to bringing you along for the project
Some of the film credit goes to Josh and Deborah Gerber for this video, thanks yall!
#Blacksmith #Blacksmithing #Tools #nicetools #Forge #Forging #KnifeMaking #BlacksmithingTools #BlacksmithTools #HandForged

I’ll share the link to the film about sailing tall ships around Cape Horn in my Instagram story if you’re watching this within the first 24 hours of it being posted.
Also, just so that no one misunderstands, simply having “competence” does not please God. In fact, “competency”, without thankful reliance and faith in Jesus Christ is just as useless as a menstruation rag in the eyes of God, according to Isaiah 64:6.
“And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who draws near to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6
Merry Christmas!
#Blacksmith #Blacksmithing #powerhammer #safety #safetyfirst #BlacksmithingTools #BlacksmithTools

The Camelback drill press is almost ready to go. Overall, there was a lot more time and trouble involved to get to this point than the video lets on, but I can only fit so much into one minute video anyway. Some people may ask why I didn’t paint it. The answer is that I don’t find it worth it when wire brushed and polish steel looks so good on its own anyway. Instead I may get someone to do some red pin-striping on it at some point. Let me know what you think.
#Blacksmith #Blacksmithing #machinist #machineshop #machinetools #drillpress #camelbackdrill #camelbackdrillpress #BlacksmithingTools #BlacksmithTools

“Money For Nothing”, that was a song about blacksmithing videos, right???
#Blacksmith #Blacksmithing #Tools #blacksmithvideos #Forge #Forging #KnifeMaking #BlacksmithingTools #BlacksmithTools #HandForged

Harty Locomotive Works has acquired its first standard gauge steam locomotive for restoration, or to put in more direct terms, I bought a train. This is a 1925 Vulcan 33 ton tank engine. There is lots of work to do, and this video shows the most pressing issue that will be fixed, Lord willing.
#steamlocomotive #vulcan #tankengine #steamengine

This 40hp Case steam traction engine was built in 1920, which was nearing the end of the steam era for agricultural tractors. By this time steam traction engines (as a class of machine) had reached their pinnacle of design development and robustness. In contrast, steam locomotives continued to be improved up until the last days of their use which (depending on your geography) was around the 1950s.
Thank you to Bill Graham for letting me video this engine.
#steamtractionengine #case #casetractor #steamtractor #steamengine #steamlocomotive

Forging a heavy duty hook for 3/4” chain.
#Blacksmith #Blacksmithing #Tools #steamhammer #Forge #Forging #KnifeMaking #BlacksmithingTools #BlacksmithTools #HandForged